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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Red Kali

I miss being able to travel and explore remote locations around the globe, but unfortunately most of us continue to stay indoors, waiting for the pandemic to die down. Very often, I find myself exploring regions in Second Life® which are replicas of real location around the world – I find fascinating the amount of detail and dedication region owners put into these places. From North America to Australia, Second Life® gives its residents the opportunity to explore stunning locations and interact with different cultures. “JAMBO! - A Voyage To Africa... “ is one of those special places - you will fall in love the moment you land there.
If you are a backpacker, voyager, explorer, or a globetrotter, the Tlalli – The Fair Around The World event is a fantastic way to have a taste of other cultures and traditions. The participating merchants of this quarterly fashion event will offer unique merchandise, specially created for this event. Rounds are inspired by different countries and they usually last 21 days. *LuLu*, one of the participating merchants, is offering a beautiful bedlah set with harem pants and all the jewelry you will need to practice your belly dance in style. The pictures below will give you a glimpse of how beautiful and detailed this outfit is and how breathtaking the "Jambo" region is. Start your own adventure and stop by this event by Sunday, June 28th.

"Daisy" Skin from WoW Skins (Free Gift - SL17B Event)

"Sahara Eyes" from Avi-Glam (Free Gift - SL17B Event)

"Ruby" Hair from Sintiklia (Free - SL17B Event)

"Nika" Eyeshadow Pack from Zibska (180L - We <3 Role-play Event *June Edition*. Includes Eyeshadow Palette with 12 Color Options with Omega, BoM, and Tattoo Layers)

"POP!" Eyeliner from POUT! (Free - Group Gift)

"Kali - Blood/Gold" Outfit from *LuLu* (399L -  Tlalli the Fair Around the World Event. Includes Bra, L & R Bracelets, Coin Belt, Headpiece, Necklace, Nipple Jewelry, Nose Ring, Pants, Scarf, and L & R Armlets. Available in Blood/Gold, Ivory/Gold and Onyx/Gold. Original Ad HERE)

"Foot Chains" from Drunken Brokkr (187L - We <3 Role-play Event *June Edition*. Includes Footchains and Toe Rings for Maitreya in Flat, High and Tiptoe and Legacy & Classic in Flat, High and Ouch. Includes Texture HUD with 8 Metal Texture Options, 6 Leather Texture Options, Fulbright and Hide Options and Kill Script Option)

Second Life® is a trademark of Linden Research, Inc.

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