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Monday, June 16, 2014

I Am Medusa

"The Medusa was the daughter of Phorkys and Keto, the children of Gaea (Earth) and Oceanus (Ocean). She was one of the three sisters known as the Gorgons. The other two sisters were Sthenno and Euryale. Medusa was the only mortal out of the three.

She was originally a golden-haired and very beautiful maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; but, being wooed by Poseidon, whom she loved in return, she forgot her vows, and became united to him in marriage. For this offence she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner. Each wavy lock of the beautiful hair which had so charmed her husband, was changed into a venomous snake.

Seeing herself thus transformed into so repulsive an object, Medusa fled from her home, never to return. Wandering about, abhorred, dreaded, and shunned by all the world, she now developed into a character, worthy of her outward appearance. In her despair she fled to Africa, where, as she passed restlessly from place to place, infant snakes dropped from her hair, and thus, according to the belief of the ancients, that country became the hotbed of these venomous reptiles. With the curse of Athene upon her, she turned into stone whomsoever she gazed upon, till at last, after a life of nameless misery, deliverance came to her in the shape of death, at the hands of Perseus."

Hair from Moon (Group Gift)

"Demon Eyes" from The Skinnery (125L - We <3 Roleplay Event. Includes 3 Sets of Regular Eyes and 3 Sets of Mesh Eyes with Glow)

"Bloom Hands" Tattoo for SLink Hands from Sweet Poison (50L per Play, Gacha Machine - Tales Of Fantasy Event. Available in Black, Brown, Red, White and Yellow)

"Ligeia" Dress from The Library (Includes Dress sin 5 Sizes from S to L, Sleeves in 5 Sizes from S to , Shirt, Cuffs, Collar and Alpha Layers) 

 Toga from GSpot (325L - Part of "Aphrodisia Gown". Includes Gown in 5 Sizes, Toga in 2 Sizes and Headband. Available in Black Mascara, Tyrian Purple, Morning Mist, Pristine and Scelerisque)

"Gow" Necklace and Arm Cuffs from Sweet Poison (50L per Play, Gacha Machine - Tales Of Fantasy Event. Commons: Cuffs in Silver, Gold, Bronze, Copper or Pewter. Rares: Necklace and Texture HUD with 5 Metal Options. Ultra Rare: Gow Complete Set with Necklace, Headpiece, Cuffs and Texture HUD with 5 Metal Options)

"Medusa - Black" Headdress and Shield from May's Soul (75L per Play, Gacha Machine - Tales Of Fantasy Event. Commons: Headdress in Blue, Black, Bronze, Red, Silver or Green and Jewelry HUD with 6 Gem Texture Options and 6 Jewelry Texture Options. Rare: Shield and Texture HUD with 6 Gem Texture Options, 6 Shield Texture Options and 6 Snake Texture Options)

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